
We are finalists!

We are thrilled to be nominated as a finalist in the 2017 DINZ Best Awards Spatial Design, Office and Work environments category. This is for our work on the recently-completed Samson Corporation office in the Geyser Building in...

Regenerative Practitioner

Earlier this year Amanda took part in the Regenerative Practitioner training held by Regenesis Group, CABAL, Native by Nature and Living Future Collaborative NZ. This training enables new ways of thinking and being for a wide range of business disciplines,...

Building Materials

Lime as a building material We are fortunate to collaborate with an industry expert from NZ who has been formally trained in Switzerland on the application of lime plaster. The first thing you notice about a lime plaster is its aesthetic...


Future Living Building Challenge NZ   Regenesis Design is actively involved in the Future Living Building training currently running through the Future Living Building collaborative NZ. As a design practice, we can offer these skills and understanding to our clients for the...

Autumn Abundance

Autumn Greetings to you, This time of year is one of my favourites, with the cooler mornings followed by bright sunny days. Trees shedding there leaves as they fall to the ground. Now with daylight saving finishing , natural rythyms...